Kestly Development

3 Ways for Selecting and Developing Future Leaders

Mike Kestly • July 21, 2020

Who doesn’t need leaders who can adapt to change, maintain communication, and guide their organizations toward the future? Organizations need leaders that see a crisis as a challenge and as an opportunity to create something even better than before.

Job Fit: While hiring may not be a priority for many businesses during times of economic uncertainty, surviving definitely is. Companies can increase their odds of survival and success by realigning employees to roles where they can excel. That could involve re-evaluating who the key people are that the company needs to advance high-stakes projects and initiatives during uncertain times. Determining who these key people are requires the re-evaluation of roles, team design, and job requirements. We explore 4 methods companies can implement to select the right leaders can easily be started using the PXT Select Multiple Candidates Report. It guides you to see who the best fit employees are.

Feedback: Feedback provides one of the most effective tools for developing leaders, especially during times of crisis and rapid change. The more leaders know about how others perceive them, the more they’ll be able to learn about themselves and improve at what they do. Feedback allows leaders to raise their level of self-awareness and adapt to the needs of their teams and shifting circumstances. Of course, getting people to adapt and change based on feedback alone can be difficult. To really do well, leaders should know more about themselves, the people they lead, and how these people perceive their leader. Help comes in the form of our PXT Select Coaching report and the Checkpoint 360.

Motivation: As with anything else, if people feel motivated to do something, they’ll likely follow through on it. Keep leaders motivated by helping them create individual development plans and career paths so they can visualize their future with your company—even if the future seems difficult or full of uncertainty. Once a job or role becomes stagnant, motivation begins to drop. Career pathing can help leaders visualize their goals, connect with a sense of purpose, maintain their motivation, and work even harder. After all, what does a leader have to gain if there is nothing to strive for?

In conclusion, as you select and engage your leaders to achieve success, keep this in mind—leaders don’t just appear overnight. Like anyone else, they need continuous training, development, encouragement, and room to make mistakes. That’s especially true during times of crisis when stakes and stress levels run even higher. Cut your leaders some slack and keep the lines of feedback and communication open. If your leaders have what they need to succeed, they can give the rest of your organization what it needs to succeed as well.

For more information on a solution that uses feedback, insights, and reliable data to develop capable, confident, and successful leaders, contact – your PXT Select™ Authorized Partner.

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