Kestly Development

Meetings – Using Work Style

Mike Kestly • June 30, 2022

Meetings. We all know that meetings are an essential part of almost any organization—but they can go really, really wrong. Luckily, there are ample online resources to transform meetings from dysfunctional to optimal.

We really liked the tips given in a SHRM article “7 Steps to Running Better Meetings.”  An HBR article with a similar topic, “Why Your Meetings Stink—and What to Do About It” by Steven G. Rogelberg,

  • Consider that D-styles prefer meetings with minimal small talk, and an agenda that everyone sticks to.
  • Allow i-styles to flourish by giving them the opportunity to express personal opinions and have open discussions with others.
  • To ensure S-styles feel comfortable, provide them with your meeting’s outline or agenda in advance so they can prepare.
  • Remember that C-styles don’t do well with making big decisions when they feel rushed or pressured.

Of course, everyone is unique, and the above example is not a one-size-fits all. Each Everything DiSC Workplace profile is highly personalized, resulting in a completely authentic user experience for each individual. Leveraging a tool like Everything DiSC Workplace can help identify and fix these pain points, leading to a more desirable work environment for everyone.

To learn more about how Everything DiSC can engage every individual in building and have more effective relationships at work, explore the Everything DiSC Workplace® application and connect with to discuss next steps.

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